10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

Matematika tentukan suku ke 9 dari barisan 192, 48, 12​

tentukan suku ke 9 dari barisan 192, 48, 12​

[tex] \mathbb{ \color{aqua}{ \underbrace{JAWABAN}}}[/tex]

[tex] \small{ \boxed{ \: \bf{ \frac{3}{1.024} }} \: }[/tex]


[tex] \mathbb{ \color{orange}{ \underbrace{PENYELESAIAN}}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ \begin{array}{c|c} \color{violet} \bf Rumus& \color{violet} \bf Keterangan \\ \hline & \tt{\color{red} U} {\color{lightgreen}_n} = suku \: ke - n ~~~~~\\ \boxed{ \: \tt {\color{red} U} \color{orange} {\color{lightgreen}_n} = {\color{magenta}a}. { \color{aqua}r}^{{ \color{lightgreen}n} - 1} \: } & \tt {\color{magenta}a} = suku \: pertama \\ & \tt { \color{aqua}r} = rasio \: \left( \frac{U_{2}}{U_{1}} \right) ~~~\end{array} } \\ \\[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{ \: \begin{aligned} \tt a &= \tt 192 \\ \tt r &= \tt \small{ \frac{1}{4}} \end{aligned} \: } \\ \\ [/tex]

  • rumus suku ke-n

[tex] \boxed{ \: \begin{aligned} \tt U_{n} &= \tt a \cdot {r}^{n - 1} \\ \tt U_{n} &= \tt 192 \cdot \small{{ \left( \frac{1}{4} \right)}^{n - 1}} \\ \tt U_{n} &= \tt ( {2}^{6} \cdot3) \cdot \small{ {\left( \frac{1}{ {2}^{2} } \right)}^{n - 1}} \\ \tt U_{n} &= \tt {2}^{6} \cdot3 \cdot {({2}^{ - 2})}^{n - 1} \\ \tt U_{n} &= \tt {2}^{6} \cdot3 \cdot {2}^{ - 2n + 2} \\ \tt U_{n} &= \tt 3 \cdot {2}^{ - 2n + 2 + 6} \\ \tt U_{n} &= \tt 3 \cdot {2}^{ - 2n + 8} \end{aligned} \: } \\ \\ [/tex]

  • suku ke 9

[tex] \boxed{ \: \begin{aligned} \tt U_{n} &= \tt 3 \cdot {2}^{ - 2n + 8} \\ \tt U_{9} &= \tt 3 \cdot {2}^{ - 2(9) + 8} \\ \tt U_{9} &= \tt 3 \cdot {2}^{ - 18 + 8} \\ \tt U_{9} &= \tt 3 \cdot {2}^{ - 10} \\ \tt U_{9} &= \tt 3 \cdot \small{ \frac{1}{ {2}^{10} }} \\ \tt U_{9} &= \tt 3 \cdot \small{ \frac{1}{1.024}} \\ \tt U_{9} &= \small{ \red{ \boxed{ \green{ \bf{ \frac{3}{1.024}}}}}} \end{aligned} \: }[/tex]


[tex] \mathbb{ \color{red}{ \underbrace{KESIMPULAN}}}[/tex]

Jadi, suku ke 9 dari barisan tersebut adalah [tex] \bf{ \frac{3}{1.024} } [/tex]

[tex] \colorbox{ff0000}{} \colorbox{ff4000}{}\colorbox{ff8000}{}\colorbox{ffc000}{}\colorbox{ffff00}{}\colorbox{c0ff00}{}\colorbox{80ff00}{}\colorbox{40ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff40}{}\colorbox{00ff80}{}\colorbox{00ffc0}{}\colorbox{00ffff}{}\colorbox{00c0ff}{}\colorbox{0080ff}{}\colorbox{0040ff}{}\colorbox{0000ff}{}\colorbox{4000ff}{}\colorbox{8000ff}{}\colorbox{c000ff}{}\colorbox{ff00ff}{}\colorbox{ff00c0}{}\colorbox{ff00a0}{}\colorbox{ff0080}{}\colorbox{ff0040}{} [/tex]
